iPixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator 4.0.0

iPixSoft Flash Slideshow Creator is a professional flash slideshow software to help you turn digital photos and video clips into flash slideshow with professional designed templates, transition effects, text captions, background music, etc. Enjoy it on this holiday season!
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36 votes Vote

Change your screenshot. It's so embarrassingly ugly I'm not even looking at your software. (You might want to change your entire interface while you are at it, the screenshot is ugly for a reason.)

TJ, 13.12.2012, 07:09
1 comment
11 votes Vote

Make for Ubuntu

ShadowMan, 13.12.2012, 11:05
8 votes Vote

understand why after putting in my correct email address and with the already auto-filled registration code why do I keep getting an error 'incorrect email or code' ???

nick colyer, 13.12.2012, 11:40
1 comment
1 vote Vote

I would like to have fixed the mistakes in the german translation of screen safer

teddy kabel, 13.12.2012, 11:37
1 vote Vote

Please, take a little time and translate your software to more languages, spanish will be fantastic and I know there should be many volunteers to help you; thank you

gfjgghfdj, 13.12.2012, 22:18
1 vote Vote

To those getting 'incorrect email or code' try registering with the given username of 'Giveawayoftheday' and not your own email address! Works first time.

Tony Lonsdale, 14.12.2012, 05:49
0 votes Vote

I would like to see a portable version and cheaper

I think this would really be a handy tool to have to carry on a usb stick. I also think the price is a little steep for this.
Dale, 13.12.2012, 16:45